Tax Research Search Wizard

Stage One

Learning Goals, a value proposition and the criteria for it to be tested against.

Objectives & Key Results

  1. Identify the problems that a product might solve.
    • Problems to Solve
  2. Determine the person(s) whose job it is to address one or more of the problems identified and build their user profile.
    • Personas
  3. Sequence when and where problem tasks emerge within a larger process.
    • Journey Map
  4. Collect common tasks that present consistent barriers to the solution of problems.
    • Pain Points

Through market research, customer and/or subject matter expert (SME) interviews, an opportunity was identified and the research process documented. At the completion of Stage One, the Team handed-off.

Success Metrics



Having validated that there was sufficient opportunity for a product offering within the problem space, the project proceeded to Stage Two, given.

Process & Results

Problems to Solve

Jobs to Be Done, statements:
How Might We, statements:


Journey Map

An initial high-level view of the user journey and pain points.

  1. 1. Identify
    Pain Points:
    • Define the tax query scope

    • Collect necessary data

    • etc …

  2. 2. Search
    Pain Points:
    • Initiate search

    • Refine search

    • etc …

  3. 3. Interpret
    Pain Points:
    • Interpret the search result data

    • Share search results

    • etc …

  4. 4. Determine
    Pain Points:
    • Reviewing the results

    • Determine the rules that will apply

    • etc …

  5. 5. Document
    Pain Points:
    • Documentation of query

    • Collect sources, tax query references (legal, etc.)

    • etc …

  6. 6. Implement
    Pain Points:
    • Updating systems with a new tax ruling/ determination

    • Client management/communications

    • etc …

At the end of Stage One, the proceed determination was made, having successfully defined and validated the opportunity. Providing the necessary deliverables, the research process could continue into the next stage.

Stage Two