Assumption to be Tested, a potential solution (product) with an assumed value that a customer would be willing to pay for (value proposition).
Through market research, customer and/or subject matter expert (SME) interviews, a single proposed solution was to be identified and validated worthy of becoming a minimum viable product (MVP).
Identifying a product's value
By grouping like concepts together and counting the frequency that those frustrations were voiced, a pattern emerged - themes. These themes connect users and their journeys with specific pain points.
This provides an initial glimpse of what drives a user's overall satisfaction and the features and functions of a solution. Over the next series of steps the themes are narrowed down to just one core product concept and a minimum set of features required. A minimum product offering with significant value to develop a customer base.
From Stage One's Problems to Solve, the features that our product might offer were categorized into 5 key themes containing a total of 30 ideas.
Common customer relationship management (CRM) features for tax research to build effective client relationships.
5 ideas addressing pain points
Multiple ways to visualize data to make content easier to digest and understand.
9 ideas addressing pain points
Flexible search to accommodate a user's preferences and their complex research needs.
6 Ideas addressing pain points
Customizable settings to keep everyone up to date on the information most pertinent to their needs.
4 ideas addressing pain points
The tools to keep track of client communication and tax goals, alerting users of changes to any relevant data.
6 ideas addressing pain points
Through ideation sessions and/or interviews, the product themes and ideas were reviewed to determine the minimally-required features and functions the product should offer.
Validate search method preferences, required steps, & key variables.
Identify common process deviations and where in research process deviation occurs.
Sequence all steps taken and associated painpoints per user.
Review common collections of steps taken for research goals.
Determine all research subjects and their processes that share a group of steps.
Identify checkpoints within processes that provide a logical fork in the research path.
Collect approaches taken by tax researchers to organize research findings.
Identify team collaboration and client communication requirements within a tax research project.
Determine triggers for returning to previous research findings, documenting updates or adding new insights gained.
Research Bias Averted
An A/B/C test of user search method preferences had indicated the suggested solution was minimally (<10%) desidered. SMEs preferred the search methods that was NOT the suggested option, addressing the unwritten project goal. Additionally, this validated the innovation process as a trustworthy analytical tool within the organization - que the ominous music.
RE: search tools and data visualization for clearer search results pointing to relevant sources.
it has no direct answers; you have to continuously depend on other sources
Tax Attorney
RE: customer relationship management for tax projects, supporting effective team/client communication.
it's hard because every client has different wants and specific tax needs to address
Compliance Officer
The product themes and ideas, having been used to create the Lo-Fi prototypes and interview materials, validated the user journey, defined the site structure and identified our target customers.
Research focused on the following 3 product concepts and their features, with a total of 11 functions.
Research methods for complex research needs.
3 functions addressing pain points
Search preferences for a clear understanding of the results.
4 functions addressing pain points
Research that remains up-to-date to ongoing regulatory changes.
4 functions addressing pain points
The key product features and associated functions were incorporated into presentation materials for the next set of SME interviews.
Multiple research paths supporting a range of preexisting subject knowledge.
Search queries built over a sequence of questions, following common research methods.
Questions that progress from the broadest to the most narrowly focused criteria.
Search queries representing logical and hierarchical research subjects.
Tools to broaden, narrow or reuse search criteria.
Standard methods, categories and terms simplifying complex tax law and research tasks.
Maintain continuous regulatory awareness with update notifications.
Historical references documenting previous determinations and research sources.
Research tools supporting effective collaboration and communication.