Tax Research Search Wizard

Project Overview

client motivation and problem space

Determine if there is sufficient opportunity for a new product offering, identifying a suitable opening in the competitive landscape, that provides a new use case and monetizes Vertex's legacy tax content.


key issue to address

Research and document a viable tax research tool (product, SaaS) and/or provide a programmatic interface to directly access research materials (content, CaaS) required for tax projects.


deliverable to address challenge

A future determination (proceed/halt) will be based on the findings from research conducted and materials presented through the innovation stage/gate process.

Additional Considerations

internal pressures

Not directly stated by leadership, there existed the internal desire to validate a previously suggested solution as a replacement for a specific legacy product. This was understood but the innovation process, as it was designed, avoided internal biases and predetermined outcomes.


philosophy and school of thought

User-centric research and product design within the innovation stage-gate process.

  1. Stage Zero

    Opportunity Space, market viability for a given product that is worthy of additional research.

  2. Stage One

    Learning Goals, a value proposition and the criteria for it to be tested against.

  3. Stage Two

    Assumption To Be Tested, a potential solution (product) with an assumed value that a customer would be willing to pay for (value proposition).

  4. Stage Three

    Develop a suitable Minimal Viable Product (MVP).

Please Note

regarding sensitive information and/or intellectual property

For this case study many of the specifics regarding the ideas discussed and research results gathered have been removed. Instead, this case study presents a high level overview and the general ideas/results that illustrate a cohesive and logical sequence of events.

Stage One